
D's Flyes Stripped Peacock Eye

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A natural material with an appearance like no other, stripped Peacock Herl bodies give a clean segmented look to any fly, but it comes at the cost of stripping your own quills...that was until Ds Flyes made their Stripped Peacock Eye. Super easy to handle and use, these pre-stripped quills come in natural and dyed colors and make getting that sleek segmented look almost effortless. Whether you’re tying some classic Quill Gordon Catskill dries or whipping up a dozen Euro Nymphs, the Stripped Peacock Eye from Ds Flyes will make things nice and easy.



Ds Flyes Stripped Peacock Eyes will most commonly be palmered to create natural-looking segmented bodies on dry flies, nymphs, emergers, and wet flies. These quills also take very well to UV Resins when you’re looking to build bombproof bodies that have a lifelike look. Available in a variety of colors, these Stripped Eyes make it easy to match insects or create bold attractor patterns. 



Ds Flyes Stripped Peacock Eye can be easily compared to a standard peacock eye, which is the same feather only its barbs aren’t removed. However, for those looking to use synthetics, another comparable item would be Hareline’s Tapered Synthetic Quill. These are super durable pre-tapered synthetic quills that can be palmered to create a similar segmented appearance, but they do lack the traditional and natural look provided by Ds Flyes Stripped Peacock Eye.


Example Flies

Ds Flyes Stripped Peacock Eyes are a versatile material and each tyer will use them on different patterns, but a couple of popular flies that use Stripped Peacock Eyes are:

  • Quill Gordon
  • Perdigon
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