Redington Behemoth Fly Reel Review
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I really like seeing great value-based reels. Unfortunately, there aren’t many good ones out there. Fewer still that have any drag strength worth talking about. That’s where Redington decided to attack. They made the Redington Behemoth to out compete every single reel in the price range in one very tangible way – BIG drag. And they did it well. All you have to do is turn it up to feel that it’s got some serious stopping power. But is it a well-rounded reel?
8-Weight Shootout Full Results
10.8 ounces. Heaviest in the test. This would be a lot for a 12-weight.
When the Behemoth came out, Redington was making some big claims about its drag. They were not wrong. It maxes out at over 16lbs! On a price-to-drag strength ratio, there’s no reel even close. About 9lbs of this drag is usable, but when you drop it down to the halfway mark, you’re looking at a mere 1.5lbs. Turned all the way down, the reel (almost) completely free-spools with just .02lbs.
Drag Test Graphs
The Behemoth is a nice sounding reel, but it’s a little muted on both incoming and outgoing.
Spool & Retrieval Rate
The spool on the Behemoth is triangular. That means we had to come up with a new formula for calculating volume and line pickup. I won’t bore you with my poor explanations of integral calculus, but suffice to say our calculations are nice estimates and are pretty close to reality.
Triangular spools have some inherent pluses and minuses. On the plus side, they pick up line faster than a standard spool. This is because there’s way less volume near the arbor and the backing will fill the reel faster. The downside of this is that the spool is wider (and therefore more prone to line pileup) and in fact the Behemoth has the widest spool of any reel in the test. Overall the Behemoth has middle of the road line pickup at 9” per turn, but has some really great capacity (it is a 9/10 after all).
Looks & Ergonomics
The Behemoth is very cool looking reel. It’s one of the more unique looking reels out there for sure. That said, I’m not really a fan of the “desert” color, but if you’re looking to blend into the sand dunes, then I guess it’s a good option.
The ergonomics on the Behemoth are top notch. It’s got one of the best drag knobs in our test and the handle is not too bad either.
Finish and durability
As we’ve seen time and time again, cast reels don’t like to be dropped. The Behemoth is no exception. In fact, this was the only reel in the test to completely fail after being dropped.
Lifetime to the original owner + $15.
Price: $129
Why did the powers that be send us a 9/10 for an 8-weight shootout? I’m not sure, but I’m also not sure that the results would have changed much. In fact, I probably could have written this entire review before actually testing the reel. It’s got a huge drag, a great price, and pretty good ergonomics. It’s actually probably one of the best backup reels you can buy, though, I might go for the 7/8 instead.
Buy it with Free Shipping here.
- Drag strength
- Ergonomics
- Heavy
- Don’t drop it…
First off great reel. Bought 2 of the 11/12 style, one reel loaded with 10 wt, the other 11 wt . the 11 went through a couple tarpon . Now the retrieve is a little tight, and yes soaked in soapy water, rinsed in freshwater a few times . Reassembled the reel but still tight on retrieve, any help. the 10 is fine. From Rob Krausse, tight lines!!