Powerful, Easy Casting Shooting Heads That Make Long Distance Casts Simple. RIO‘s shooting heads are based on the popularOutBound Short lines, and are designed to castvery long distances. The front loaded weightdistribution quickly loads a rod, while the uniquestep down taper at the back allows for verylong flight times and easy distance. The headsare built two sizes above the AFTM standardto correctly load modern rods - anglers do notneed to step up a line size when choosing a linefor their rod, as this is done in the design. Eachhead has an EasyID loop at the back end forquick recognition.RIO recommends attaching the following headsizes to these shooting lines sizes:ST7 to ST8 – 0.024”/0.026” shooting line, or25lb SlickShooter/GripShooterST8 to ST10 – 0.030”/0.032” shooting line or35lb SlickShooter/GripShooter
Unique taper design that stays in the air, resulting in long distance casts
Short, powerful front taper that cast large flies easily
Front-loaded weight distribution that loads rods quickly and effortlessly