Whenever you want to easily add weight and an ultra-realistic set of eyes to your fly, there’s no better option than Hareline’s Double Pupil Lead Eyes. These eyes come in a variety of sizes and colors, and each color has a bold pupil and iris to catch the attention of fish around it. A solid choice whether you’re casting at smallmouth bass in a swift river, striped bass on a tidal flat, or snook in the first trough, Hareline’s Double Pupil Eyes get your flies down deep and have all of the realism that you need.
The main purpose of using Hareline’s Double Pupil Lead Eyes is to quickly get your fly down deep and add a realistic set of eyes to your flies. These lead eyes are nice and heavy and the eye adds a lifelike and attractive touch to any streamer you’re tying.
If you’re okay with sacrificing a bit of realism, then Hareline’s Painted Lead Eyes are a perfect choice. Unlike the Double Pupil Lead Eyes, these eyes are just one solid color with a pupil, which is fine for fish that might not be as picky or if you’re not fishing in ultra-clear water, however, if you’re trying to catch super tough fish, then the Double Pupil Eyes do add a competitive edge.
Example Flies
There probably isn’t another fly that utilizes Lead Eyes that’s as well-known as Bob Clouser’s Clouser Minnow.