Enrico Puglisi EP Fibers are durable, easy to tie with, and have accurate colorations to natural baitfish. These fibers are designed to be easy to cast because they don’t absorb water. These fibers are special because of how well they move underwater along with their translucent qualities. The key to a great baitfish pattern is matching the see-through qualities of natural baitfish. With Ep Fibers, you get the translucency with every color along with the motion qualities of what is described as between marabou and bucktail. Along with this action, you get the durability and maintained the profile of a synthetic. EP profiles are renowned for a reason, you won’t regret adding them to your next baitfish pattern.
Uses: Baitfish Patterns, Crab Patterns, Shrimp Patterns
Comparisons: EP FIbers are similar to a lot of other synthetics like Yak Hair, Super Hair, and SF Fibers. What separates EP fibers is the amount of breathability and motion of the material.
Example Flies: EP Baitfish, EP Ghost Shrimp, EP Crab