
Chocklett's Mini Finesse Changer Fly Tying Kit

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Taking one of Blane’s most effective patterns and downsizing it, his Mini Finesse Game Changer is a streamer that provides realism like no other. With its completely articulated body and lifelike profile, this streamer does an excellent job at imitating small baitfish–whether it’s albies crushing tiny bay anchovies or smallmouth eating dace, this pattern imitates them all. With Chocklett's Mini Finesse Changer Fly, it couldn’t be any easier to tie up this deadly pattern. The Chocklett's Mini Finesse Changer Fly includes step-by-step instructions and everything that you need to tie six Mini FInesse Changers in three different color options (chartreuse, tan, and white/clear), and with an ultra-sharp Kona BGH Hook, you can rest easy knowing that you’re in for a battle every time you strip strike into a fish. Fresh and saltwater ready, this kit will have you tying up solid Mini Finesse Changers whether you’re fishing a brackish river for searun trout or a tidal flat for hungry striped bass. 


The Chocklett's Mini Finesse Changer Fly Tying Kit has pretty much one purpose, and that’s to provide the tier with everything that they need to tie Mini Finesse Game Changers. This kit is equipped with easy instructions and includes everything you need to tie six streamers in three different choice colors. 


Since this is such a comprehensive kit, there’s really no substitute for it other than just buying each material individually. And while that’s certainly an option, it’s definitely more costly, making it a better choice if you’re looking to stock an entire box of Mini Finesse Changers, but not as economical of a choice if you’re just looking to dip your toes in this style of fly. 

Included Colors


Included Materials

Fish-Skull Fish-Spine
Fish-Skull Tail Shank
Fish-Skull Living Eyes
Kona Big Game Hunter hooks
Hareline Finesse Chenille
Hareline Marabou

Not included: Thread, glue, fly tying tools and permanent marker pens

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