How to Tie Hoov's Cicada Fly
Follow along with Levi as he shows us how to tie Hoov's Cicada! Improve your fly-tying skills and know-how here!
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Designed by the great entomologist and fly angler Greg Hoover, Hoov’s Cicada is a fly that matches adult cicadas of any species, and if you’re in an area that’s seeing the Periodical Cicada emergence, don’t leave home without this fly. It floats like a cork, its Krystal Flash wing can be seen even in low light conditions, and it lands with an enticing “plop.” Whether you’re after bass, trout, carp, or monster panfish, this fly will get the job done.
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Hook: Gamakatsu B10S Stinger Hooks (Size 4)
Thread: UNI Waxed 3/0 (Black)
Body: 3mm Hareline Fly Foam (Black) and Hareline Dubbin (Hot Orange)
Wing: Hareline Krystal Flash (Pearl and Orange)
Legs: Hareline Barred & Speckled Crazy Legs (Hot Orange)